OAK Network is excited to officially announce our DApp contest in conjunction with the launch of our grant program!
We’ve got all the details below, so whether you’ve got an established development team or just a great idea and some skills you think would be helpful, make sure to get your application in so you can join our community of buidlers.
Click here to register!
We’re looking for participants to create DApps that provide delightful and transparent user experiences for OAK blockchains (starting with Neumann and Turing).
Exciting — right? We know this isn’t going to be easy, so our team has put together some pretty compelling prizes to reward buidlers for their effort!
💰 Over $50,000 in Total Prizes
🥇 First Place: 30,000 USDT
🥈 Second Place: 15,000 USDT
🥉 Third Place: 5,000 USDT
👍 Finalists Bonus: 5000 TUR
Hopefully you are as excited about this as we are! And if that’s the case, keep reading to learn all about what we’re looking for in the DApp and how to make sure you’ve got your best chance at winning that top prize.
✍️ Challenges:
Develop a DApp in one of the topics below:
- Build a dashboard for asset and automation task management. For this dashboard, a consumer can ideally create, view, and edit their recurring tasks. You can find inspiration for this on https://avaprotocol.org/.
- Develop a DApp to leverage future balance transfer and on-chain messaging. For this UX, imagine a user needing to send tokens at a certain frequency, like payroll use cases, or the ability to communicate with other chains or trigger events via messages passed on the blockchain.
- Create a tool for scheduled task reminders via email & Telegram. Similar to push notification use cases, there may be external/off-chain use cases (like oracle systems) that would require you to send messages off-chain. The UX for this would require publishing these events from OAK’s on-chain automation to external services like email, Slack, Discord, etc.
- Open Registration: May 16
- Coding Period: May 16 — July 4
- Code Submission Deadline: July 4
- Judging Period: July 5–8
- Winners Announced: July 11
📋 Grant Application Process:
While we’re flexible in the intake of different products, applications, and features developed on top of Turing and OAK Network, we recommend following the steps below to ensure that your application and development can be supported by the OAK Team.
- Submission: Please fill out the application to express your interest in a specific competition or another product you’d like to build on top of OAK or Turing Network.
- Review: The OAK Development team reviews your application. We do not recommend beginning your build until after you receive a notification from OAK that you’ve been accepted into the contest.
- Notification: The OAK Team notifies you of the decision to proceed with building your product.
- Onboarding: OAK will schedule an onboarding call, and you will be assigned an OAK technical point of contact to help you develop and address any questions regarding the SDK.
- Iteration & Distribution: After soliciting feedback from end-users of your product, we recommend iteration and frequent improvements. The OAK team will distribute grants based on how well you executed against the initial goals set forth and the Selection Criteria below.
💯 Recommendations:
It is recommended that a team of 2–5 people participate in the competition. You can bring your own team and choose one to be the leader, or form a team online after individual registration. We’ll be holding some events in the near future for those looking for a team, so don’t be shy and jump right in!
⚙️ Requirements:
👥 Participants can form teams, with 2 to 6 individuals per group
👤 Individual participation is also accepted
👣 Each person can only form at most one team
❗Participants must ensure that the personal information provided is true, accurate, and valid when registering
📚 Resources:
Application Form
Automation Pallet Javascript SDK
Technical Review Committee
Internal Examples:
Our website has a great example of what we think a dashboard could look like:
External Examples:
https://www.dotreasury.com/dot/ — cool UI and data viz
https://bifrost.app/ — neat wallet selection function

The team at OAK is ready to review all your great ideas, so click here to get your application started. Happy buidling and good luck from all of us here at OAK Network!
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About Ava Protocol
Ava Protocol is an intent-based infrastructure that empowers private autonomous transactions for Ethereum and beyond.