API References

Comprehensive guide to working with gRPC endpoints and API references for the Ava Protocol EigenLayer AVS, including authentication and API methods.

To interact with Ava Protocol, you start by making request to our gRPC endpoint. Our protocol is defined inside protobuf directory and can code gen client for your language.






Local dev


To start interacting with our protocol for task management, the process is generally:

1. Exchange an auth token

Call GetKey method with below data.

  • owner: your wallet address
  • expired_at: epoch when your key will be expired
  • signature: sign a message in form of key request for ${wallet.address} expired at ${expired_at)}

The response will have the key which can set on the metadata of subsequent request. The token will expire at the expired_at epoch.

Please check examples/signature.js for reference code on how to generate this signature.

2. Making GRPC request

After having auth token, any request that require authentication,set authkey: ${your-key-from-above} header in the request.

Because an account need to send over an auth key generate from the signature above, no one will be able to view your data and therefore your task and parameter data will be private.

API client

Using protocol definition in protobuf anyone can generate a client use traditional grpc tool.

API Method

Create Task

List An Account Task

Delete Task

Get Smart Account Address